These are not products for «freaks», not for people who are different, but for innovators and curious people. It is a product of «attitude».
Recognizable ingredients that combine to surprise, 100% Plant-Based, but always Tasty and Tasteful.
Green&Great is a foodtech company with a significant R&D workload, associated with the company +Artica Innovación and integrated in the Spanish Technological Platform Food For Life for the development of new plant-based products in a fully scalable model.
100% Plant-Based Solutions to boost Restaurants and Shops sales.
Centro Empresas Impulsa
Calle Júpiter, 16, Oficina 1, 28229 Villanueva del Pardillo (Madrid), España.
Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional
Una manera de hacer Europa
Meatless Meet Europe, S.L. en el marco del Programa ICEX Next, ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX y con la cofinanciación del fondo europeo FEDER. La finalidad de este apoyo es contribuir al desarrollo internacional de la empresa y de su entorno.